Designing Transplant Education Materials for Diverse Audiences


LaShara A. Davis, Ph.D., Saint Barnabas Medical Center, Senior Research Administrator
Dr. LaShara A. Davis graduated with a degree in Communication from Rutgers University in 2004. She continued her education at Purdue University where she received a MA in 2007 and a PhD in Communication in 2011. She has taught courses on Health Communication, Public Speaking, Interviewing, Persuasion, Small Group Communication and Research Methods on the college level since 2006.  She currently works as a Senior Research Administrator at Saint Barnabas Medical Center and Adjunct Professor at both Rutgers and Kean Universities. Professionally, Dr. Davis has built her career around research on patient-centered care, health education development and reducing racial and ethnic health disparities. As a researcher and teacher, her goal is to deepen the understanding of the creation, implementation, and evaluation of health campaigns with a special focus on health disparities affecting low-income, low-literate, and underserved populations.